If you ask me what is my favourite book or what kind of books do I like to read, I would say anything that is nice, light and something that I can identify with. I am a total chick-lit fan (for those not in the know- chick lit is chick literaure for books as chick flicks is for movies). The more I read them the more I like them and the more i crave to read some more. And all of them have this one pattern that appeals me the most. The protagonist is often a strong willed lady-girl in her 20s something who loves to shop, falls in and out of love, works for a living and above all stays independently all on her own (picture Carrie Bradshaw of Sex and the City).

There are times when i wonder how easy or difficult it would be to stay all alone on my own. I know its going to be mostly difficult but staying alone can make life simpler too, by: a) not having anyone to answer to b) you can do your own thing without anyone coming in your way (helps! Especially during those grumpy,irritable days) c) not having anyone to keep nagging you (you can organize and clean your space at your sweet time) d) you can personalise your space the way you want it to look like (believe me i would love to have candles all around me) e)You can manage your daily chores at your own sweet time (can eat whenever hungry, no fixed time for lunches and dinner) f) And the most interesting of all: Invite friends, throw slumber parties etc whenever you want (fun!).
Well, the only way i see myself living alone is if I shift out of Mumbai since currently I stay with my family. (That would also mean i get to explore another city fully, ohhhh I can write a whole post on my love for travel. More on that later!)
Hope that this dream comes alive someday! Till then, here is something more on what I have been upto the last month:
- I have joined the much hyped family of twitter. Now I like to call myself an HNI - highly networked individual (;p well atleast on the net!) what with facebook, linked in, my blogspot and now twitter
- I have taken to the whims and fancies of being a farmer. Yes! Farmville has a die hard fan in me. I am totally addicted to it and keep worrying about my crops and animals all day long even at work :)